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First line service

Pansys is a group of engineers, physicians and economists running the first line service of all types of hospital-IT solutions.
That service includes the preparation, the sale, the installation, the upgrade and the support.

The legal headoffice of Pansys is in Munich, but its team works in network, from several locations covering all the regions of Germany, besides several other European countries.
That dispersion facilitates the physical presence of Pansys technicians on any site when necessary.

Pansys runs, 24 hours/day, a global maintenance that includes a remote control of the installed systems and uses therefore specific tools providing a proactive survey of the software and hardware.
That access duplicates the remote control of the respective producers of the installed components.
The duplication of the remote control is based on the harmonious collaboration between Pansys running the global first line service, and its partners being the respective producers of the installed components and managing individually the second line service related to those installed components.

As system integrator, Pansys takes specially care of matching together all the installed systems and subsystems of hospital-IT.